First of all, I apologize for the inconvenience in web wersion of game itch.io doesn`t love me. That`s why i recommend to use windows version.
But if you want use wep, play in Fullscreen.
Secondly, thank you for your interest in my game.
I coudn`t add tutorial in game, so i write it here:
- a / space / d - change beetween camera position
- w / s - open / close update menu
- LMB on part of boat, interact with in, repair or use part action
- RMB - pick up resources
Type of rooms:
- Engine, when coal in engine run out, your lose. Click on section add coal to forge
- Left and Rigth turret, can shoot only when choosed right camera view. Click on room add a bullet to magazine.
- Ballast.... do nothing
Damage and Lose:
You lose when ran out of coal, or when 3 exclamation point in the rooms.
If room broken, you can`t do room action, only repar, during this time room stay unactive. Turrets no shooting, engine not working.
Other you find in game. Good Luck!
Sukellusvene.exe 77 MB
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